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Future proofing teenagers to help them thrive in a fast changing world

A 12-months in-person program designed to provide teenagers with the world building capacity to face work and life. The participants will learn 6 fundamental building blocks that will help them become confident and capable future leaders.


By spending 2 hours a week with Coach Ophelia, participants will gain mastery over the following topics:

Discover Your Brilliance:

Unleashing the Power Within

Building Blocks of Success:

Creating a Foundation of Integrity and Empathy

From Dreaming to Achieving:

Setting SMART Goals for Personal Growth

Together We Succeed:

Mastering the Art of Team Collaboration

Time is Precious:

Maximising Your Productivity

Tapping into Your Potential:

Developing Your Unique Talents and Skills

The Power of Thought:

Enhancing Your Analytical Skills

Speak with Confidence:

Mastering the Art of Public Speaking

Money Matters:

Building Financial Freedom and Independence

Digital Savvy:

Navigating the Digital World with Responsibility and Safety

Cultural Intelligence:

Embracing Diversity and Celebrating Differences

The Future is Yours:

Reflecting on Your Journey and Charting Your Course


Meet Your Gen Z Coach

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Ophelia Loh is an exceptional teenage enrichment trainer with a passion for helping young people unlock their full potential.

She holds a certification from the American Board of NLP, cognitive behavioural practitioner, and an Applied Behavioural Approach Practitioner for Parents.

As founder of the Critical and Creative Thinking Academy, she provides leadership, occupational exposure, talent exploration, and strategic planning skills to help young people navigate their future with purpose and clarity.


Her sole belief is that, everyone has unique talents that can be nurtured and discovered.


My clients are saying this...

Mazura's testimonial
Pei Horng's Testimonial
Melissa's testimonial
Dr. Shabnam's testimonials

Let's work together

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